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This Membership has helped 125+ designers scale their Showit design businesses 

Is it your turn?

Our Members have leveraged the tools and resources we've created for them to launch new services and products, streamline their processes, and scale their businesses. Like, big time. (and in a lot of cases -  at a fraction of the time it would have taken for them to do it on their own)

The Web Designer Library Membership is built to work within your business as the ULTIMATE tool and resource to take you exactly where you want to go.

See How Our Members Are Transforming Their Businesses with the Web Designer Library

In each Member's story, we're reminded why we started Web Designer Library in the first place—to create a community where dreams are not only nurtured, but realized.

Kate D.

Join! There is so much incredible value in the Membership. Jess and Charis over deliver on every single thing they say you're getting. It's worth it!

Jess and Charis over deliver on every single thing 


I have purchased two other Showit canvas libraries but anyone can see that The Membership, without a doubt, has so much more value than any other library/membership!

"The Membership, without a doubt, has so much more value than any other library or membership!"


I've been designing websites in Showit for 4+ years and many times would feel overwhelm when I sat down to create a custom site with Showit's "Simple" template blandly staring back at me. Now I feel like I have numerous possibilities from the Membership that not only cuts the time of designing a fully fleshed out site in half, but also makes me feel giddy when I start a new site. 

"I've already made my QUARTERLY investment back in ONE VIP Day"

Courtney P.

It's so organized, so beautiful, and I'm still shook over how many canvases come out every single single month!



Even when I’m not using the canvases, I feel like having them pushes me to be more creative because you guys design differently than I normally do. It’s helping me to think outside the box. I love it!

"It's helping me think outside the box"

Riley B.

The Membership has transformed my business, how I design, and has given me the professional look and feel from the start. I feel like the Kinship has put me so far ahead of where I would have been if I was trying to do it myself.

"the MEMBERSHIP has put me so far ahead of where I would have been"


"I didn't think it was something I needed, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much time it would save me. I'm so excited to keep using it!"

"I didn't think it was something I needed"

Laurel V.


You will make back the investment in just one website or template sale!

Maya T.

We asked our members what they'd say to someone thinking about joining the Membership...

Do not keep hesitating. It's worth it and you will make the money back so fast!!

Taylor H.

I would tell them to 100% DO IT.

Do not keep hesitating. It's worth it and you will make the money back so fast!!

Here's What They Said

Do not wait.


"I didn't think it was something I needed, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much time it would save me. I'm so excited to keep using it! "

"I didn't think it was something I needed"


You feel supported, less alone, gives you a base to allow your creativity to flow and you learn heaps along the way and are able to better service clients. I also love the push to create templates and how much help you provide with that as it was always a daunting process for me!

I always recommend it to other Showit it designers, it's suuuch an amazing resource and community. 

Words from
Our Members

Don't just take it from us - our members LOVE it here


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