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Create Showit Templates and Elevate Client Sites with our Commercial-Use Showit Canvases

Jump off the struggle bus with access to our Showit Canvases. Create your dream templates and elevate client sites effortlessly.

Enter your email in the bar below to see all of them in our Canvas Database.

By filling out this form, you acknowledge that you are not working on a competing program or product.


Showit Canvases

Plus, we add 15+ new Canvases every single month.

Licensing Note

Sell the templates in your shop.
Build templates based on the Kinhouse Made templates
Use as a starting place for custom client work. Never work from a completely blank page ever again.
Build Showit templates for resale faster than ever before
Infuse your own design style to make your templates stand out
Sell them in a membership, bundle, or way that isn't baked into a template
If you leave the membership, your previously created client sites can stay live, but you won't be licensed to create new sites moving forward. Think of it like a font license! 

Ways to Use the Canvases

These Canvases empower you to create beyond the limitations of your "current ideas". Break the creator's block and reach your design's full potential—all while saving valuable time.

Use the canvases in both templates, client work, or even your own website
Infuse your own design style to make your templates stand out

Psst. It's what we do - When you join the Web Designer Library you can get inspired just by clicking around the Member Dashboard. 

Skip Pinterest — grab inspiration directly from your Member Dashboard

This Membership is for You even if Just One of these Things Apply to You

You want to reduce any resistance you feel while working within your business, whether that's with client projects or building and implementing new services. You want to stop wasting time and start creating faster and with ease.

You are ready to Streamline your Services


You want to reduce any resistance you feel while working within your business, whether that's with client projects or building and implementing new services. You want to stop wasting time and start creating faster and with ease.

You are ready to Streamline your Services


The strategies used in the past to grow your business have worked, but you've hit a ceiling. You've reached a point where you can't work harder, longer, or serve more clients. Burnout is not an option. You need the right tools and resources to scale your biz to the next level.

You want to Scale Your Business


Whether it's analysis paralysis or drowning in your current workload, you aren't feeling good within your business. You are ready to feel lighter and start enjoying your work again.

You are Overwhelmed


Solopreneurship is hard. You're craving a sense of connection and community.

You need Support


Maybe the difference between where you are now, and where you know you could be – is having some dang help. Your time is valuable and you need to spend more time doing high-level work in your business.

You want to Transform


Get Instant Access to Everything when You Join the Membership Today

Ready to join?

We've Got the Answers

Have Questions?

Don't see the answer to your question here? Send us a message.

Have More Questions?

As long as you have fulfilled your quarterly commitment, any templates you create throughout your membership can stay in your shop.

However, you will not be licensed to create NEW templates with our canvases once your membership comes to an end.

Can the Templates I create with the Canvases stay live after I leave the Membership?

Nope! Use the Canvases to build Templates for resell, within your client projects and even your own website. No need to ever credit us.

Do I need to credit Kinhouse Made when using the Canvases in projects?

You cannot. Your Membership is your license to create new work.

This means once you leave the Membership, you no longer have licensure to use the Canvases from the Web Designer Library to create anything new.

Can I continue using the Canvases after I have left the Membership?

You are not licensed to sell the Canvases as individual products or repackage them to give away as freebies.

Can I sell or redistribute the Canvases?

